Terms of Use

This website “https://Simport.in (along with its mobile application thereof, together the "Platform" ) is owned by M/s Indo German International Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956, having its Registered Office at 7A, Sagar Apartments, 6, Tilak Marg, New Delhi- 110 001, ( "Simport", "we", "us" "our" ).

These terms and conditions govern your use of the Platform (collectively the "Terms of Use" ).

Please read this Terms of Use carefully as it constitutes a legal agreement between Simport and you. By using this platform, you signify that you have understood the Terms of Use, provide your assent and agreement to be bound by all of the Terms of Use and Conditions of these Terms of Use and affirm that you are able and legally competent to do so.

These Terms of Use constitute an electronic record within the meaning of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and the rules and regulations framed thereunder, as may be amended from time to time. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures.

Conditions Of Use

By using this Platform, you certify that you have read and reviewed the terms and conditions contained here under and that you agree to comply with the same.

Updates / Modifications To These Terms Of Use

We may, at any time, for any reason (without assigning such reason) and without any prior notice make changes to these Terms of Use. Any such updates / modifications will take effect from the time they are posted on the Platform so please check back regularly to keep informed of these modifications / updates. The latest version of these Terms of Use will always be available on the Platform. Any new version of these Terms of Use shall take effect and will govern the use of the Platform and your relationship with us immediately upon the date of posting, and will supersede all previous versions of the Terms of Use. By continuing to use the Platform, you agree to have accepted and to be bound by such updated and amended Terms of Use.


By registering for or otherwise using the Platform, you, on behalf of yourself and the entity that you represent, agree to be bound by these Terms of Use, including all terms and conditions incorporated by reference. You further represent and warrant that you have the requisite right, authority and capacity from the business you represent to agree and abide by these Terms of Use and use the Platform.

Your Use Of The Platform

The Platform is an online web-based portal that enables you to simplify the trade process and handle it with a single ERP, provide a digital trading experience to our customers which will lead to flexibility, fast, and convenient services at the right time, to reach our primary goal of becoming the world’s most hassle-free trading company, we are processing end-to-end solutions for our customers, starting with financing the trade, global supply chain management & delivery management.

In the above regard, you agree and acknowledge that:

  • a) We may share your personal information with third-party service providers who are engaged by us to perform functions on our behalf. These functions include, but are not limited to, conducting due diligence, verifying your identity, and assessing creditworthiness. We may share your personal information with third-party service providers who are engaged by us to perform functions on our behalf. These functions include, but are not limited to, conducting due diligence, verifying your identity, and assessing creditworthiness. The types of information we may share include, but are not limited to, your name, contact details, financial information, and any other relevant data required for the due diligence process. By using our services, you consent to the sharing of your data with our third-party service providers as outlined in this section.
  • b) You will use the Platform solely to obtain the services provided by Simport, using the Platform and for no other purpose whatsoever. Further, you agree not to interrupt or attempt to interrupt the operation of the Platform (including intruding or attempting to intrude the servers hosting the Platform)in any manner.
  • c) Your access to the Platform is protected by unique login ID and passwords ("Login Credentials") which are specific to users like you. You will not allow any person to use yourLogin Credentials to access and use the Platform.
  • d) You shall be responsible for maintaining the strict confidentiality of the Login Credentials issued to you. Simport will not be liable for any harm caused by and / or arising out of:
    • I. theft of the Login Credentials and / or
    • II. Your disclosure of the Login Credentials or allowing any person to access and use the Platform using your Login Credentials; except where Simport fails to terminate access to the specified Login Credentials when directed to do so by you.
  • If you become aware of any unauthorised use of the Login Credentials or other need to deactivate a Login Credentials due to security concerns, you will immediately request Simport to deactivate your Login Credentials.
  • e) You will be liable for all of the actions of individuals or entities accessing and using the Platform using your Login Credentials. This section will survive the termination or expiration of these Terms of Use (and any agreement between Simport, its associates and the user).
  • f) You shall make payments of all amounts to Simport when due in accordance with these Terms of Use and/or Additional Agreements, including any duties, taxes, fees and/or related charges whether or not included in the amounts quoted on the website and/or mobile application. User shall also agree to pay all duties, taxes, and related charges arising out of its use of the services.
  • g) In the event that any transaction or attempted transaction relating to Simport which violates these Terms of Use or applicable law comes to your knowledge, you shall take all steps to promptly inform Simport of the same.
  • h) You shall at all times ensure full compliance with the applicable laws and rules and regulations regarding your use of our Services.
  • i) You shall not at any point in time collect email addresses or other contact information of other users, through any means whatsoever, without prior authorization from Simport.
  • j) You shall not engage in selling, cross-selling or distributing the services available on the Platform to any third party or allow multi-user access to the services by sharing your Login Credentials.
  • k) You shall not use any automated software, hardware or any other similar mechanism to use access, navigate or search the Platform.
  • l) You shall not post or transmit any information on the Platform including unauthorized or unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, or any other forms of unauthorized solicitation to other users (other than the information specifically permitted/ required to be posted or transmitted under these Terms of Use and/or Additional Agreements).

Please note that in accordance with the Information Technology Act, 2000 and its applicable rules thereunder, in case of non-compliance with applicable law, these Terms of Use in relation to the access or usage of our Platform, we have the right to immediately terminate the access or usage rights of any user of our Platform and remove any non-compliant information. Without limiting the generality and effect of the foregoing, you undertake that you shall not host, display, upload, modify, publish, transmit or share any information on the Platform that- belongs to another person and to which you do not have any rights; is grossly harmful, harassing, blasphemous, defamatory, obscene, pornographic, paedophilic, libellous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically objectionable, disparaging, relating to or encouraging money laundering or gambling, or otherwise unlawful in any manner whatsoever; harm minors in any way; infringes any patent, trademark, copyright, or other proprietary rights; violates any law for the time being in force; deceives or misleads the addressee about the origin of such messages or communicates an information which is grossly offensive or menacing in nature; impersonate another person; contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer resource.

Without prejudice to our rights as aforesaid, to the extent required or permitted by applicable law, we may also collect, use, share and disclose Your Information inter-alia to the Government authorities, agencies authorised by Government, any third party or authorities in connection with security-related or due diligence or law enforcement investigations or in the course of cooperating with authorities or complying with legal requirements.

You shall solely be responsible for any losses, damages or claims that may be incurred by any person as a consequence of the use of/ reliance on Your Information and you agree and undertake to indemnify and hold harmless, Simport, its employees, officers, affiliates, directors, partners, holding companies, subsidiaries and group companies from all such losses, damages and claims.

Links To Third Party Website

The Platform may be linked to other websites on the World Wide Web that are not under our control. Such links do not indicate any responsibility or endorsement on our part for the external website concerned, its contents or the links displayed on it. We have no responsibility or liability for and makes no representations whatsoever about any other website that you may have access to through our Platform. These linked sites are only for your convenience, and therefore, you access them at your own risk.

We shall not be liable for any loss associated with your use of such other websites. We need to protect the integrity of our Platform and the links placed upon it and therefore requests any feedback on not only our own Platform but also third-party links. We reserve our right, at our sole discretion, to terminate any link or linking program at any time and for any reason it deems appropriate.

Disclaimer Of Warranties And Liability

The Platform and everything on the Platform (including the services, materials, information and references to services and products herein, including without limitations, text, graphics and links made available through this Platform) are provided on "as is" and "as available" basis and, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law without any representation or warranties, express or implied except otherwise specified in writing. including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, reasonable care and skill, non-infringement, use of the Platform will be uninterrupted or error-free, freedom from cookies, computer virus and warranties arising from course of trade or course of performance of services. We and our suppliers make no warranties about the materials, software, text, downloads, graphics, and links, or about results to be obtained from using the Platform. We do not make any warranties or representations regarding the use of the materials on the Platform in terms of their completeness, correctness, accuracy, adequacy, correctness, timeliness, reliability or otherwise. Any oral or written advice provided by us or its authorized agents does not and will not create any warranty.


You shall indemnify and hold us harmless from any claim or demand, or actions including reasonable attorneys' fees, made by any third party or penalty imposed due to or arising out of Your breach of this Terms of Use, and other Policies, or Your violation of any law, rules or regulations or the rights (including infringement of intellectual property rights) of a third party.

Trademark, Copyright And Restriction

The Platform (and each of its modules) is the exclusive property of Simport and/or its various third-party providers and Simport reserves all rights in the Platform and its content not specifically granted in Terms of Use, additional agreements.

Any software that is made available on or through the Platform ("Software") is the exclusive property of Simport and/or its various third-party providers and distributors. Your use of the Software is governed by the terms of the end user license agreement, if any, which accompanies or is included with the Software ("License Agreement"). You agree to not use and / or install any Software that is accompanied by or includes a License Agreement unless you first agree to the License Agreement terms. For any Software not accompanied by a License Agreement, Simport hereby grants to you, the User, a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Software for viewing and otherwise using the Platform in accordance with these Terms of Use and for no other purpose and such license may be terminated and revoked by Simport at any time for any reason. Any reproduction or redistribution of the software is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties.

“Simport”, “Simport.in” and other Simport graphics, logos, taglines and service names are the intellectual property of Simport. Except as specifically permitted herein, these shall not be used by the you or any other person without the prior written permission from Simport. All other trademarks not owned by Simport that appear on the Platform are the property of their respective owners, who may or may not be affiliated with, connected to, or sponsored by Simport.

Simport hereby grants you a limited, personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable license and limited right to use and display any portion of the content available on the Platform (including without limitation text, graphics, software, audio and video files and photos) only on your personal computer, mobile phone, tablet or other similar personal device and only for personal use. You may print copies of the content and store the aforesaid content on your personal computer, mobile phone, tablet or other similar personal device for your personal use.

You shall not alter or modify the content in any way. You shall not use, upload, post, transmit, reproduce, republish, distribute, prepare derivative works, or otherwise use the content (or any portion thereof) other than as explicitly permitted herein, including by email or other electronic means and whether directly or indirectly and you must not assist any other person to do so.

You shall not remove any: (a) copyright, trademark or other intellectual property notices from any content (or from copies and/or printouts thereof); and/or (b) link to the website and/or mobile application from any place, without our express written consent.

You do not acquire any ownership rights to any content. Any unauthorized use of the content shall terminate the permission or license granted by Simport herein. Without the prior written consent of the owner, modification of the content, use of the content on any other platform or networked computer environment or use of the materials for any purpose other than personal, non-commercial use is a violation of the copyrights, trademarks and other proprietary rights, and is prohibited.

You shall not transfer the content to any other person except with the prior written consent from Simport. You agree to abide by all additional restrictions in relation to the content displayed on the Platform, as may be updated from time to time.

Notwithstanding the above, Simport does not represent or guarantee that it has any right (including intellectual property rights) on the content including the right to allow use thereof by the users.

Additionally, you agree to grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable (through multiple tiers) right to use Your Information, in any media now known or that may come into existence in future in order to enable us to use Your Information, so that we are not violating any rights you may have in Your Information. For the purpose of these Terms of Use, “Your Information” will mean and include Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Occupation, Organization Name, Financial Details, Director Details, Auditor Details, Share Holding Pattern, Credit Ratings, Compliance Details, Authorized Signatory Details, and Location etc. and any other detail about yourself or the organization, that is similar in nature. You agree that you will voluntarily furnish such information that is complete, accurate and up to date.


We want to ensure that your visit to our website is smooth, reliable and as useful to you as possible. To help us do this, we use cookies and similar technologies, such as java scripts (cookies), to make our website relevant to your interests and needs. By using our website user/s agree that these types of cookies can be used by us. User/s is free to disable/delete these cookies by changing his/her device / browser settings. We are not responsible for cookies placed in the device of user/s by any other website and information collected thereto.

Limitation Of Liability

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law in no event shall we be liable for any special, incidental, indirect or consequential damages of any kind in connection with these Terms of Use, or in connection with the use of information available from the platform or any liability relating to any Loss of Use, Interruption of Business, Loss of Goodwill, Work Stoppage, Accuracy of Results, Loss Profit or Loss Data, Regardless of the form of Action, Whether in Contract, Tort (including negligence) or otherwise, even if user has been informed in advance of the possibility of such damages.

Applicable Law

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and interpreted and construed in accordance with the laws of India. The place of jurisdiction shall be exclusively in New Delhi.

Any grievance or suggestions may please be directed to support@simport.in

End-to-end Services Empowering Global Trade And Commerce.